Thursday, February 20, 2025

Smelling the Screen Door


If you stand close enough to a screen door to touch your nose to the screen, it smells like the street when it first rains; but it has to be an old screen, not a new one. (discovered Mar 1 2024; although I've known this smell my whole life as "the screen door" I never noticed it was the same smell)

I find a reddit post titled "I can smell this screen door," and someone comments "Rainwater, rust and just a hint of bug guts"

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Odor Identification vs Odor Perception


Scientists reveal chemical structural analysis in neural computations that allow us to identify odors
Mar 2024,

via Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Yuting Ye et al, Decomposition of an odorant in olfactory perception and neural representation, Nature Human Behaviour (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41562-024-01849-0

Name that odor: Identical odors seem different when given different names
May 2024,

Participants were given minty and citrusy odors to sniff, which had been labeled with two words; for example, mint-menthol or eucalyptus-menthol. While sniffing, participants were scanned using an ultrahigh-field (7-tesla) functional MRI (fMRI) machine. While MRIs take snapshots of the brain, fMRIs enable researchers to see activity in the brain over time, in this case where in the brain the information about the labeled odors was being processed.

After the scan, participants sniffed the odors again, but this time presented in pairs, and then rated how similar or different they thought the odors were from each other. In this second round, the odors and their labels were either the same, or two identical odors were given different labels, or different odors were given the same name.

"We were surprised to discover the clear effects of labels on the participants' ratings of odors. We could also see from the fMRI results how the semantic context, the word labels used, influenced odor-coding activity in the piriform cortex, a key part of the primary olfactory cortex for processing smell."

Results showed that participants reported a greater difference between odors when two identical odors were given different names, than when they were labeled the same. The fMRI data showed that some parts of the piriform cortex were affected by the words used to label the odors, while other areas were more affected by the odor itself.

The researchers suggest that this may be because areas affected by words would differ from those affected by odors within the primary olfactory cortex, but further research is needed to confirm this. The team also noticed a significant connection between the areas within the piriform cortex affected by words and other regions of the brain involved in language processing.

via University of Tokyo: Toshiki Okumura et al, Semantic context‐dependent neural representations of odors in the human piriform cortex revealed by 7T MRI, Human Brain Mapping (2024). DOI: 10.1002/hbm.26681

Detecting odors on the edge: Researchers decipher how insects smell more with less
May 2024,

Wiring diagram of the fly nose; and since olfaction is the ideal model for how the brain works, because of its severe simplicity - 

Previous investigations of the odor processing system in flies focused on the central brain as the main hub for processing odor signals. But the new study shows that the effectiveness of the insect's sensory capabilities relies on a "pre-processing" stage in the periphery of their sensory system, which prepares the odor signals for computations that occur later in the central brain region.

Flies smell through their antennae, which are replete with sensory hairs that detect elements of the environment around them. Each sensory hair usually features two olfactory receptor neurons. "The signals carried by the wires interfere with each other through electromagnetic interactions," and helps flies quickly compute the "gist" of the odor's meaning.

"Remarkably, our work shows that the optimal odor blend—the precise ratio to which each sensory hair is most sensitive—is defined by the genetically predetermined size difference between the coupled olfactory neurons," said Aljadeff, a faculty member in the School of Biological Sciences. "Our work highlights the far-reaching algorithmic role of the sensory periphery for the processing of both innately meaningful and learned odors in the central brain."

via University of California San Diego: Palka Puri et al, Peripheral preprocessing in Drosophila facilitates odor classification, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2316799121

Another step towards decoding smell: Investigating the neuronal mechanisms of human odor perception
Oct 2024,

Yes, thank you once again, epilepsy: 

The research group has now succeeded for the first time in recording the activity of individual nerve cells during smelling, by monitoring epilepsy patients.

While the activity of nerve cells in the olfactory cortex most accurately predicted which scent was smelled, neuronal activity in the hippocampus was able to predict whether scents were correctly identified. Only nerve cells in the amygdala, a region involved in emotional processing, reacted differently depending on whether a scent was perceived as pleasant or unpleasant.

In a next step, the researchers investigated the connection between the perception of scents and images. To do this, they presented the participants in the Bonn study with the matching images for each odor, for example, the scent and later a photo of a banana, and examined the reaction of the neurons. Surprisingly, nerve cells in the primary olfactory cortex responded not only to scents, but also to images.

via Department of Epileptology at University Hospital of Bonn: Marcel S. Kehl et al, Single-neuron representations of odours in the human brain, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08016-5

Humans can distinguish odors with millisecond precision
Oct 2024,

Human olfactory perception can detect fine chemical changes within the duration of a single sniff.

A unique sniff-triggered device that controls odor delivery with a precision of 18 milliseconds created temporal odor mixtures, presenting two odors one after the other, tested with 229 participants across five experiments to see if they could distinguish these mixtures. 

When two odor compounds, A and B, were presented in different orders, participants could tell the difference when the delay between the compounds was just 60 milliseconds.

via Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Wen Zhou, Human olfactory perception embeds fine temporal resolution within a single sniff, Nature Human Behaviour (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41562-024-01984-8.

Monday, February 17, 2025

New Smells for the Consumer Minded Olfactory Enthusiast


New car smell reaches toxic levels on hot days, researchers find
July 2024,

Data from several hot summer days, with outside air temperatures of 25.3 °C – 46.1 °C (77.5 °F – 115 °F), showed high levels of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and hexaldehyde.

The Chinese national concentration limit for formaldehyde in passenger vehicle cabins is 100 μg/m3. The authors found levels in the experimental car sometimes exceeding 200 μg/m3. The national limit for acetaldehyde is 50 μg/m3. Levels in the experimental car could reach 140 μg/m3.

Acetaldehyde - ACGIH TLV C = 25 ppm; OSHA PEL TWA = 200 ppm; China National Limit 50 ug/m3; they found up to 140 ug/m3 which is 0.077ppmv (odor: pungent, fruity, suffocating, fresh, green)
Formaldehyde - ACGIH TLV C 0.3 ppm SEN; OSHA PEL TWA 0.75 ppm STEL = 2 ppm; China National Limit 100 μg/m3; they found above 200 ug/m3 which is 0.16ppmv (odor: pungent)
-Source: odor descriptions taken from AIHA Odor Thresholds for Chemicals with Established Health Standards, 2nd Edition

Surface temperature inside the car is a major modifier, but they don't mention anything about how the color of the car changes the temperature.

via School of Mechanical Engineering at Beijing Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Health at Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences at Peking University School of Public Health: Zhang R. et al. Cabin air dynamics: Unraveling the patterns and drivers of volatile organic compound distribution in vehicles, PNAS Nexus (2024). DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae243.

How personal care products affect indoor air quality
Oct 2024,

EPFL's Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab (HOBEL) at the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg, home to environmental chambers—unique experimental facilities resembling real indoor spaces that enable precise control and monitoring of indoor air quality.

They wanted to mimic the use of these personal care products in an indoor environment. In one test, the researchers applied the products under typical conditions, while the air quality was carefully monitored. In another test, they did the same thing but also injected ozone, a reactive outdoor gas that occurs in European latitudes during the summer months.

When ozone was introduced into the chamber, not only new VOCs but also new particles were generated, particularly from perfume and sprays, exceeding concentrations found in heavily polluted urban areas such as downtown Zurich.

"Some molecules 'nucleate'—in other words, they form new particles that can coagulate into larger ultrafine particles that can effectively deposit into our lungs," explains Licina. "In my opinion, we still don't fully understand the health effects of these pollutants, but they may be more harmful than we think, especially because they are applied close to our breathing zone. This is an area where new toxicological studies are needed."

"I know this is difficult to hear, but we're going to have to reduce our reliance on these products, or if possible, replace them with more natural alternatives that contain fragrant compounds with low chemical reactivity. Another helpful measure would be to raise awareness of these issues among medical professionals and staff working with vulnerable groups, such as children and the elderly."

via Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne EPFL's Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab (HOBEL) at the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg: Tianren Wu et al, Indoor Emission, Oxidation, and New Particle Formation of Personal Care Product Related Volatile Organic Compounds, Environmental Science & Technology Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.4c00353

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Information Concentration Gradient Navigation


'Walk this way': Model explains how ants create trails to multiple food sources
Nov 2024,

"If an ant has access to multiple food sources from its nest, it will initially make multiple trails to each of the sources."

Using computational simulations of ants searching for food, stochastic modeling and a system of partial-differential equations, and two subpopulations of foragers who wander around in search of food and returners who always return directly to the nest after finding food, the researchers observed that ants will selectively travel to the food source that is the shortest distance from its nest in an environment with multiple sources.

They found this collective behavior resides in the fundamental pheromone concentration gradient, where the returning ants would secrete less pheromones depending on how close the food source was to the nest, whereas more pheromones created a stronger scent.

via Florida State University Institute of Molecular Biophysics and Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Cleveland State University: Sean Hartman et al, Walk this way: modeling foraging ant dynamics in multiple food source environments, Journal of Mathematical Biology (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s00285-024-02136-2

The brain's processing paradox: Study quantifies the speed of human thought
Dec 2024,

This is pertinent to the article but such an important statement for understanding the brain, the body, evolution and of course chemosensation as the origin of brains:

They applied techniques from the field of information theory to a vast amount of scientific literature on human behaviors such as reading and writing, playing video games, and solving Rubik's Cubes, and quantified the speed of human thought at 10 bits per second. However, our bodies' sensory systems gather data about our environments at a rate of a trillion bits per second, which is 100 billion times faster than our thought processes.

But this question: Why does the brain process one thought at a time rather than many in parallel the way our sensory systems do?

"Human thinking can be seen as a form of navigation through a space of abstract concepts." Research suggests that the earliest creatures with a nervous system used their brains primarily for navigation, to move toward food and away from predators. If our brains evolved from these simple systems to follow paths, it would make sense that we can only follow one "path" of thought at a time.

via California Institute of Technology: Jieyu Zheng and Markus Meister. The Unbearable Slowness of Being: Why do we live at 10 bits/s?, Neuron (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.11.008.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

How Memory Works for the Navigationally Challenged

If this chart makes sense to you, watch the rest of the video here:
The Uses of Memory in Olfactory Search, Antonio Celani Senior Researcher at ICTP, MaLGa Colloquia series, 20th February 2023 (this screenshot taken at 22min)

He uses a quote from Flatland, come on. The presenter, Antonio Celani, was a researcher for the French National Research Council (CNRS) in 2000 - and in 1999, CNRS had a European Symposium on Olfaction and Cognition.

But in other news:
Neuroscientists find that animals replay incidentally encoded episodic memories
Jan 2024,

(This breakthrough in neuroscience research expands on a 2018 study that first reported evidence that animals can replay past events)

Researchers gave nine rats a list of odors using many common household spices, like cinnamon and paprika. Then, the rats were given a memory assessment where they were presented with two scents from the previous list. The rats must then choose which scent was the third-to-last scent presented.

placed rats in a radial maze where they were confronted with scented lids covering food. After the rats foraged through the maze, they were presented with the opportunity to report the third-to-last scent, having to draw from memory the previously presented scents.

The rats remembered multiple pieces of putatively unimportant information and later replayed a stream of episodic memories when that information was needed to solve an unexpected problem. The first and only trial run ended with a 100 percent success rate.

"We remember information even though it was seemingly unimportant when it was encountered. When we happen to need that information, we replay the stream of events to identify the information needed to solve our current problem."

via Indiana University: Cassandra L. Sheridan et al, Replay of incidentally encoded episodic memories in the rat, Current Biology (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.043

Friday, February 14, 2025

Chemosignal Jammers Using Olfactory Mimetics


Camouflage isn't just blobs of brown and green colors, it's anything that interferes with perception. And because we can perceive via more than just the visual sense, mixing signals in any medium can help to obfuscate or redirect perception. "Protective auditory mimicry" adds sounds to your phone line that sound enough like human speech as to make your actual speech unintelligible. VS Ramachandran's Mirror Box, known for its use ridding phantom limb syndrome, uses a kind of signal jamming to rewire your brain's own proprioception of body parts. Maybe that's not camouflage, but it's close. And now, here's some examples of how smells are used for similar purposes:

Ladybug scents offer a more ecologically friendly way to protect crops
Feb 2024,

Aphids have a reduced preference for ladybug scented plants.

via Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences' Center for Chemical Ecology at Penn State: Jessica T. Kansman et al, Smelling danger: Lady beetle odors affect aphid population abundance and feeding, but not movement between plants, Basic and Applied Ecology (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2023.05.004

Fooled: Herbivorous animals 'led by the nose' to leave plants alone
Feb 2024,

Seedlings of an unpalatable shrub in the citrus family called Boronia pinnata were planted next to a palatable canopy species called Eucalyptus punctata. The palatable species was 20 times less likely to be eaten by the swamp wallabies being tested.

Previous attempts to use repellent substances such as chili oil or motor oil have inherent limitations. "Animals tend to habituate to these unnatural cues."

via School of Life and Environmental Sciences Behavioural Ecology and Conservation Lab at University of Sydney: Olfactory misinformation provides refuge to palatable plants from mammalian browsing, Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02330-x

Post Script:
Research uncovers why urine sprayed by cats emits a pungent odor
Apr 2024,

In conclusion, feline sprayed urine originates solely from the bladder, without any contribution from other secretions. However, despite this exclusive source, sprayed urine emits a strong and pungent odor owing to enhanced adhesion on vertical surfaces.

The specific urinary protein, cauxin, plays a crucial role in scent marking by not only producing cat-specific odorants but also by enhancing the emission of urinary volatile chemicals by increasing the wettability of the sprayed urine.

via Iwate University: Sprayed urine emits a pungent odor due to its increased adhesion to vertical objects via urinary proteins rather than to changes in its volatile chemical profile in domestic cats, Journal of Chemical Ecology (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s10886-024-01490-1

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Statistical Sampling of the Olfactory Environment

It appears that a discovery has been made, all over the place and all at once, about how the mixture of air changes the way smells are perceived. 

It's not at all unusual that multiple simultaneous discoveries have appeared, in fact it's the rule not the exception in science. The articles below all seem to have discovered that a turbulent cloud of odor molecules smells different than what I'll call a more homogenous, slow-moving cloud. 

Based on the above image, see the great CFD video illustration of air movement here.

It's like you're getting a more representative sample. When smells occur in your environment, they move as streams and plumes, picture wisps of smoke. If you're about to "sample" a piece of data, it means you're about inhale a cubic foot of air. What are the chances the amount of molecules you need to register an odor will be in that cubic foot? If you were to snapshot the cube before you inhale, you could imagine the airsteams of the odor you're looking for, let's say the scent of a female moth pheromone, twirling through the cube. But if you shook up all the air around you, to get into your breathing space some of the airstreams from outside the space, then you get more chance that the target molecule will make it into your "sample" sniff. From a statistical point of view it does make sense - you're squeezing more airstreams into a smaller space and time.

Study suggests that 'Jedi' rodents remotely move matter using sound to enhance their sense of smell
Oct 2024,

Surprise! "This phenomenon has never been observed before, or I believe even suspected, in any animal"

(This is from a bioacoustics researcher btw.)

Scientists have debated the purpose of the ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) produced by rodents since the discovery of these sounds in the 1950s. This new paper suggests they do it to shake up their surroundings in ways that influence how inhaled particles enter their noses, suggesting that rodents use sound to enhance their sense of smell.

"They're creating new pathways of information by manipulating their environment and controlling the molecular interactions of particles around them."

Rodents explore their environment by stroking surfaces with their whiskers, visually scanning, and incessantly sniffing. Mercado discovered that studies on vocalizations that also monitored sniffing showed that rodents immediately sniffed after producing each USV.

"That could be a coincidence, or it might suggest the two are functionally related," he says. "I knew that techniques for using ultrasound to manipulate particles are used in the field of vibroacoustics and thought immediately that might also work for animals."

Vibroacoustics, or artificially produced ultrasonic vibrations, cause airborne particles to cluster, leading Mercado to suggest that rodents are using USVs to create odor clusters enhancing the reception of pheromones (chemical signals), thus making it easier for the vocalizer to detect and identify friends, strangers, and competitors.

via University at Buffalo: Eduardo Mercado et al, Do rodents smell with sound?, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2024.105908. 

Study uncovers how silkworm moth's odor detection may improve robotics
Oct 2024,

They employed high-speed photogrammetry to computationally analyze the aerodynamic consequences of wing motions of the silkworm moth (Bombyx mori).

This insect that no longer flies due to domestication, but does flap its wings when they detect pheromones.

One of the key findings of the study was that B. mori samples the pheromone selectively from the front. The moth scans the space by rotating its body while fanning to locate the pheromone sources. The directional sampling of the pheromone molecules is particularly helpful when searching for an odor source since the moth can determine the direction of the odor plume upon the detection of the pheromone.

This could lead to advancements in robotic odor source localization technologies, where drones equipped with insect antennae for odor detection carefully adjust their orientation and the configuration of their propellers and odor sensors to optimize detection capabilities.

via Chiba University Graduate School of Engineering: Olfactory sampling volume for pheromone capture by wing fanning of silkworm moth: a simulation-based study, Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-67966-y

People with no sense of smell found to have abnormal breathing patterns
Oct 2024,

The researchers sought to address anecdotal accounts of people who could not smell and began "breathing funny" after contracting COVID-19.

The research team recruited 52 volunteers, 21 of whom were suffering from anosmia, and fitted them with a breathing monitor for 24 hours.

The research team found that those volunteers with anosmia did have slightly different than normal breathing patterns. People without the condition, they note, have small inhalation peaks, which prior research suggests coincides with a suspected change in smell. People without the ability to smell had no such peaks.

via The Azrieli National Institute for Human Brain Imaging and Research: Lior Gorodisky et al, Humans without a sense of smell breathe differently, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52650-6